Instructions for use Keto Extreme

Instructions for capsules Keto Extreme

To get a dream figure and get rid of excess weight, you just need to use the New Advanced Fat Burner correctly, observing the nuances specified in the instructions. Below is how to use the fat burning product for maximum efficiency. The information is presented for verification, instructions are also attached to the packaging with the drug.


To start the process of ketosis in the body, take one capsule twice a day before meals with plenty of clean water. To make weight loss as effective as possible, reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet, especially the fast ones contained in sugar and flour products. You should eat more fat to help your body adjust to a new diet. Healthy fats can be found in sea fish, nuts, cooked beef, dark chocolate, hard cheeses and olive oil.

To replace body fat with muscle mass, it is recommended to devote at least 30 minutes a day to moderate physical activity such as walking, gymnastics or swimming. The natural stimulants contained in the capsules will help you become more efficient and recover faster after exercise.


In addition to overweight and obesity, Keto Extreme capsules are indicated for:

  1. Too little muscle mass.
  2. Feeling of chronic fatigue.
  3. Drowsiness and other sleep disorders.
  4. Depressive states and low vitality.


No contraindications or side effects with other drugs were found in studies of the drug, so the capsules can be used by any person in the US suffering from obesity or chronic fatigue syndrome. However, it is recommended to consult a specialist before use in order to avoid possible allergies to components in the composition of Keto Extreme.